Intel 再修改 13 / 14 代 CPU 保養政策
Tray 裝、OEM 都有份 !! 全部三年變五年
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文章索引: IT快訊

【係咪衰呢 🤣】Intel 早前宣布延前第 13、14 代 Desktop 處理器的保養,由原本 3 年增至 5 年,但僅限於買了盒裝的用家,結果被全球玩家 X 爆了,Intel 眼見風頭火勢立即改口,5 日再修改 13 / 14 代 CPU 保養政策,無論是盒裝 Tray 裝、OEM 的保養都由原本 3 年增至 5 年。


此外,這次 Intel 清楚地列出了增至 5 年保的型號列表,原本不是所有型號都有受惠,只限 13600K/KF 及 14600K/KF 或以上才提供保養升級。


🔵 Intel 公告如下︰


「Following Intel’s earlier announcement regarding 2 year warranty extension – from date of purchase, up to a maximum of 5 years - on Intel Core 13th/14th desktop processors, please see below for additional details on the program.


Intel 早前宣布有關 第 13 / 14 Desktop 處理器的保養期延長兩年(自購買之日起最多五年)後,請參閱以下內容了解該計劃的更詳細訊息。


The following processors are covered by the warranty extension (以下處理器享有延長保固範圍) :


▪️ Core i5-13600K/KF

▪️ Core i7-13700/F

▪️ Core i7-13790F

▪️ Core i7-13700K/KF

▪️ Core i9-13900/F

▪️ Core i9-13900K/KF/KS


▪️ Core i5-14600K/KF

▪️ Core i7-14700/F

▪️ Core i7-14790F

▪️ Core i7-14700K/KF

▪️ Core i9-14900/F

▪️ Core i9-14900K/KF/KS


Warranty extension applies to new & previously purchased processors, if they are one of the Intel Core 13th/14th Gen SKUs listed above. This warranty coverage applies to all customers globally.


保養延長適用於新買及正在使用上述 13 / 14 代 SKU 的 CPU 用家,保養範圍適用於全球所有地區客戶。


For users who are or have previously experienced instability symptoms on their Intel Core 13th/14th Gen Desktop processors and need to initiate the exchange process:


對於現在或之前在 Intel Core 第 13/14 代 Desktop CPU 上遇到不穩定症狀,並需要啟動交換流程的使用者:


▪️ Boxed CPU – please contact Intel Customer Support for further assistance. (請聯絡 Intel 客戶支援以獲得進一步協助)


▪️ Tray CPU – please contact your place of purchase for further assistance. (請聯絡您的購買點以獲得進一步協助)


▪️ OEM/System Integrator – please contact your system manufacturer for further assistance. (請聯絡您的系統製造商以獲得進一步協助) 」






