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cct241292 發表於 2021-6-22 09:09

[b]回覆 [url=https://www.hkepc.com/forum/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=40451467&ptid=2623949]19#[/url] [i]atkatk002[/i] [/b]



[size=1][color=Silver]via HKEPC IR Pro 3.6.1 - iOS(3.0.0)[/color][/size]

jerrychan0610 發表於 2021-6-22 09:40

劇本一早寫好晒, 拆HARDDISK只係做下樣.
由苹果老細被人拉果日, 或者更早就知會有今日, D HARDDSIK 點會比你搵到野.

alanh999 發表於 2021-6-23 21:15

[i=s] 本帖最後由 alanh999 於 2021-6-24 06:21 編輯 [/i]

[b]回覆 [url=https://www.hkepc.com/forum/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=40450505&ptid=2623949]18#[/url] [i]rabbit82047[/i] [/b]

    There's no proof that those computers were not damaged in the process either.

patosze 發表於 2021-6-24 12:19


minibanana 發表於 2021-6-25 16:48

[quote]咁 即是:
a. 原文標題 被 RTHK 改正了一次
b. 有 人 改了 此 thread 的 第一帖 (#1)
c. Both

數碼證據?  ...
[size=2][color=#999999]toylet 發表於 2021-6-20 01:54[/color] [url=https://www.hkepc.com/forum/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=40447319&ptid=2623949][img]//i.hkepc.net/forum/common/back.gif[/img][/url][/size][/quote]

毒果唔使審都知有問題啦, 年年話虧錢無交稅, 但不停有錢買地起樓
我相信蘋果如果比美國跟進, 會篡改資料令佢無罪囉, 然後繼續比黑錢搞亂中國

alanh999 發表於 2021-6-25 16:58

[b]回覆 [url=https://www.hkepc.com/forum/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=40460523&ptid=2623949]25#[/url] [i]minibanana[/i] [/b]

    "毒果唔使審都知有問題啦, 年年話虧錢無交稅, 但不停有錢買地起樓" > So this is your pure speculation.  Have you read their annual report?

"我相信蘋果如果比美國跟進, 會篡改資料令佢無罪囉," > "美國" to "跟進" what? This sentence doesn't make any sense at all.

minibanana 發表於 2021-6-25 17:05

[quote]回覆  minibanana

"毒果唔使審都知有問題啦, 年年話虧錢無交稅, 但不停有錢買地起樓" > So this is your pure speculation.  Have you read their annual report?

"我相信蘋果如果比美國跟進, 會篡改資料令佢無罪囉," > "美國" to "跟進" what? This sentence doesn't make any sense at all.[/quote]

你講到你有睇annual report, 咁請你提供數據

all you replies dont make any sense too.

alanh999 發表於 2021-6-25 17:08

[b]回覆 [url=https://www.hkepc.com/forum/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=40460566&ptid=2623949]27#[/url] [i]minibanana[/i] [/b]

    "你講到你有睇annual report, 咁請你提供數據" > I didn't read any annual report of Apple Daily. It's your responsibility to prove your points.

"我地睇左佢年年虧錢" > you either profit or loss in any business so what point do you want to make?

minibanana 發表於 2021-6-25 17:14

[quote]回覆  minibanana

    "你講到你有睇annual report, 咁請你提供數據" > I didn't read any annual report of Apple Daily. It's your responsibility to prove your points.

"我地睇左佢年年虧錢" > you either profit or loss in any business so what point do you want to make?[/quote]

excuse me, 乜FC唔係自己做既咩?
你無睇報告就出黎插人, 仲叫人去proof? 係都你自己proof左先啦化
年年虧本仲咁多錢擴建, 有common sense既人都知造假數啦, 會計一早辭職, 仲無人肯接管盤數
不過事實證明你真係無common sense:faint:

alanh999 發表於 2021-6-25 18:07

[b]回覆 [url=https://www.hkepc.com/forum/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=40460582&ptid=2623949]29#[/url] [i]minibanana[/i] [/b]

    I didn't make any statement on the financial condition of Apple Daily whatsoever so why would I need to prove anything? You make a statement that you prove yourself right.

Anyway, you said it clear that you were just guessing.

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