作者: shareDigital093 時間: 2021-7-2 15:33 標題: 勒索軟件已成國際級別的網絡威脅
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作者: toylet 時間: 2021-7-3 00:47
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作者: carlkyo 時間: 2021-7-3 08:25
作者: alanh999 時間: 2021-7-3 10:54
"虛擬貨幣" "破壞文明"? How so?
作者: XML 時間: 2021-7-3 11:29
虛擬貨幣既價值在於智能合約 而智能合約呢樣野個人覺得對未來係一個幾大既助力
依家虛擬貨幣出問題係因為資本炒作 照咁講應該打擊既係資本
作者: kaitou 時間: 2021-7-3 16:50
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作者: atkatk002 時間: 2021-7-4 06:43
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作者: alanh999 時間: 2021-7-4 09:06
回覆 7# atkatk002
From China and Russia. Read some network security quarterly / annual reports.
作者: atkatk002 時間: 2021-7-4 09:47
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作者: alanh999 時間: 2021-7-4 10:01
本帖最後由 alanh999 於 2021-7-4 10:10 編輯
回覆 9# atkatk002
China Govt. backed hacker group launched attack against US transport system - this is a terrorist attack.
Hackers with ties to China penetrated the New York transit agency's computer systems in April
Chinese hackers behind U.S. ransomware attacks - security firms
China-linked cyber-espionage group APT27 is believed to have orchestrated recent ransomware attacks, including one where a legitimate Windows tool was used to encrypt the victim’s files.
https://www.securityweek.com/ran ... -chinese-cyberspies
Chinese APT Group Linked to Ransomware Attacks
https://www.infosecurity-magazin ... pt-group-linked-to/
Chinese hackers turn to ransomware
作者: atkatk002 時間: 2021-7-4 11:11
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作者: alanh999 時間: 2021-7-4 11:55
回覆 11# atkatk002
The cyber attacks launched by China-backed hacker groups were traced back to the sources already.
Are you supporting cyber terrorism?
作者: atkatk002 時間: 2021-7-4 11:58
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作者: alanh999 時間: 2021-7-4 11:59
回覆 13# atkatk002
So you didn't read the news that I posted. Are they too difficult for you to comprehend?
And now I know you stand with cyber terrorism.
作者: atkatk002 時間: 2021-7-4 12:16
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作者: 一隻人 時間: 2021-7-4 12:19
作者: alanh999 時間: 2021-7-4 21:40
How do you know that those news are “fake”? Any ground to your statement?
作者: qq200367 時間: 2021-7-4 22:23
回覆 16# 一隻人
作者: qq200367 時間: 2021-7-4 22:25
How do you know that those news are “ture”? Any ground to your statement?
作者: atkatk002 時間: 2021-7-5 07:07
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作者: ttsssp 時間: 2021-7-5 10:19
How do you know that those news are “ture”? Any ground to your statement?
qq200367 發表於 2021-7-4 22:25
How do you know that those news are “fake”?Any ground to your statement?
oh, only china will share the truth news
作者: kennyleunghk 時間: 2021-7-5 10:43
幾有趣, 我真係click 左入內文睇
其他source 唔知乜黎, 有個直頭2013年, 然後我click 入D 報導嘅所謂官方facebook , 0 like 0 follow, 跟本就係content farm 黎
咁比心機挖黑材料真係辛苦晒, 連假材料都唔放過
我quote最有價值嘅 BBC啦:
Dell SecureWorks investigated two ransomware attacks this year - one at a transportation company and one at a technology firm
from 樓主:
又, BBC 字眼上都係用speculation, 唔知係quote 條友閱讀理解有問題吖? 定係跟本無睇內文
作者: atkatk002 時間: 2021-7-5 16:18
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作者: alanh999 時間: 2021-7-5 18:34
回覆 22# kennyleunghk
So you didn't read those from The New York Times and Reuters? Why?
作者: qq200367 時間: 2021-7-5 20:12
How do you know that those news are “fake”?Any ground to your statement?
oh, only china wil ...
ttsssp 發表於 2021-7-5 10:19
我只喺理性分析... 唔好以為新聞就喺真... 點解你要拖中國落水?
難聽D講句... 媒體只是工具...
作者: alanh999 時間: 2021-7-5 20:18
回覆 25# qq200367
"媒體只是工具" > I do agree on this one.
作者: zenith 時間: 2021-7-5 20:31
應該要封殺虛擬貨幣, 其實只係 low-tech 嘢, 但嚴重浪費地球資源
美其名係掘礦, 實際原理只係同撞 password 一樣
作者: kennyleunghk 時間: 2021-7-6 00:18
回覆 kennyleunghk
So you didn't read those from The New York Times and Reuters? Why?
alanh999 發表於 2021-7-5 18:34
content farm 都貼, 不如我問下你, 邊編文章講到明係中國?
The New York Times無sub 點睇?
Reuters 2016年嘅新聞講繄2013嘅事, 而且人地只係懷疑
另外果D 明顯係content farms
作者: carlkyo 時間: 2021-7-6 08:48
作者: minibanana 時間: 2021-7-6 11:08
美國商人自導自演, 多數同呢條政策有關
美稅局默許 勒索軟件贖金或可扣稅
今時今日小公司都可以防範加密勒索, 何況大公司
而且贖金係用BITCOIN, 係美國政棍同奸商洗黑錢工具
作者: minibanana 時間: 2021-7-6 11:10
美國商人自導自演, 多數同呢條政策有關
美稅局默許 勒索軟件贖金或可扣稅
今時今日小公司都可以防範加密勒索, 何況大公司
而且贖金係用BITCOIN, 係美國政棍同奸商洗黑錢工具