作者: tonylcc 時間: 2011-9-3 10:34 標題: 想DD-WRT 轉 Open-WRT ,點轉?
本帖最後由 tonylcc 於 2011-9-6 19:05 編輯
TP-Link TL-WR1043ND DD-WRT build(17201)
1.想DD-WRT 轉 Open-WRT ,點轉?Solved
2.FTP server setting in Open-WRT
3.如何set wifi 用時要log in,求setting,想個Wifi like y5zone 敢用時要log in
4.Open-WRT 有乜常用嘅Plug-in?
5.Samba setting?Solved
各位Ching 幫吓手
作者: 122003 時間: 2011-9-3 12:09
本帖最後由 122003 於 2011-9-3 12:29 編輯
1. 好似可以直接flash去openwrt,用xxx-sysupgrade.bin,不過你要睇返隻router型號
1043係ar71xx分類下,暫時最新係backfire 10.03.1-rc5
3. login? 你講加密?
4. 基本要個D都同你裝左,其他按個人需要,我另外裝左miniupnp同openvpn
6. 介面無咁user friendly,有D野唔可以同時用佢唔一定會hide左或者提你
作者: ksng 時間: 2011-9-3 13:36
本帖最後由 ksng 於 2011-9-3 13:40 編輯
I flashed my tp-link wr741nd to dd-wrt a few days ago, but found upnp not working and also it's difficult to install openvpn for wr741nd. So I switched to openwrt yesterday and is so far so good.
- I flashed back to tp-link firmware from dd-wrt and then flashed the openwrt XXX-factory.bin for my 741.
- to have upnp feature, I need to manually install luci-app-upnp. miniupnpd will then be automatically installed. upnp may then be configured from the GUI ( by 'service' -> 'UPNP'.
- found that openwrt wifi does not allow use of channels 12 & 13, but in my environment, channel 13 is the only channel that works OK due to interference. This problem is resolved by replacing /usr/lib/crda/regulatory.bin. My procedure is (need to do it under linux):
1. Download wireless-regdb from here: http://wireless.kernel.org/download/wireless-regdb/
2. unpack and cd to the source subdirectory
3. edit db.txt
4. replace 'country 00' & 'country HK' as follows:
country 00:
(2402.000 - 2494.000 @ 40.000), (N/A, 30.00)
(4910.000 - 5835.000 @ 40.000), (N/A, 30.00)
country HK:
(2402 - 2494 @ 40), (N/A, 35)
(4910 - 5835 @ 40), (N/A, 35)
5. run 'make' to compile. A file regulatory.bin is generated.
6. ssh to your openwrt router, cd to /usr/lib/crda, then run,
cp regulatory.bin regulatory.bin.bkup
scp <userid>@<host IP that has updated regulatory.bin>:<directory>/regulatory.bin .
7. reboot router
8. remember to select 'HK' as the country under the wifi configuration page.
Comparing dd-wrt & openwrt, dd-wrt has a more user friendly GUI, and configuration is easier. openwrt is more flexible as you may install the packages you require. For dd-wrt I've installed v24-preSP2 but found that there's no room to install openvpn (since router has only 4MB flash memory), unless I can find and install mini version of dd-wrt but this is not certified and can easily brick my router if I've flashed the wrong version.
作者: tonylcc 時間: 2011-9-3 16:04
回復 2# 122003
y5zone 敢,after connect go to one website directly,and than tell you to login in or free wifi for 20 mins
作者: 122003 時間: 2011-9-3 18:58
回復 4# tonylcc
有D hotspot程式,不過唔知係咪你要咁
作者: tonylcc 時間: 2011-9-3 19:01
回復 5# 122003
yes,my cousin is near by me,so i wanna make a hotspot,like y5zone
作者: 122003 時間: 2011-9-3 19:42
回復 6# tonylcc
你set WPA or WPA2加密咪係囉
作者: tonylcc 時間: 2011-9-3 21:35
回復 7# 122003
because their parent wanna know which address they go
can you help me pls
作者: 122003 時間: 2011-9-3 21:46
回復 8# tonylcc
作者: tonylcc 時間: 2011-9-3 22:14
本帖最後由 tonylcc 於 2011-9-3 22:17 編輯
回復 9# 122003
1.no need to pay one more network fee
2.their parent can control their network time
3.homework(need networking)
4.when set the WPA or WPA2 can not control their time
anyways can you pls help me
作者: tonylcc 時間: 2011-9-3 23:28
Open -WRT what plug in is good on my case?
i need FTP
password access webpage
any more thing is usual?
作者: 122003 時間: 2011-9-4 07:55
本帖最後由 122003 於 2011-9-4 08:03 編輯
回復 122003
1.no need to pay one more network fee
2.their parent can control their network ...
tonylcc 發表於 2011-9-3 22:14
nodogsplash - 0.9_beta9.9.6-1 - Nodogsplash offers a simple way to open a free hotspot providing restricted access to an
Parental Control程式,同樣唔知有冇你想要的功能
作者: tonylcc 時間: 2011-9-4 10:46
回復 12# 122003
you know y5zone?
y5zone can have a webpage to let us login or use free for 20 mins
do you know how to make like that
作者: tonylcc 時間: 2011-9-4 10:49
and one more thing,i know how to change DD-WRT to Open -DRT
but dont know how to use,after i changed to Open-WRT ,i dont know how to turn the wifi on,and set the FTP,can you teach me also?
作者: 122003 時間: 2011-9-4 11:14
回復 14# tonylcc
所以話要睇Doc,step by step跟住做就係,要咩功能對號入座
原廠咪好似有FTP,samba,重有Parental Control
作者: tonylcc 時間: 2011-9-4 13:39
本帖最後由 tonylcc 於 2011-9-4 13:57 編輯
回復 15# 122003
if using DD-WRT can it have a login in system?
作者: tonylcc 時間: 2011-9-4 13:40
as i know DD-WRT have FTP and samba