師兄真心好,人為問題都重有得咁快換到,難為我正常使用線都沒甩/換過就咁Bad contact壞左。
又update 小小先。。。我已經沒追佢,唔覆我當沒左算,可能佢地好憎唐人客,驚我係西客搵佢地著數
我由11月12日開始直到今日都重將我搓來搓去, 中斷時間先同我講佢地唔送香港要我自己搵另一間代理去申請 (我係一直同緊Lucid Audio, LLC | Etymotic Research, Inc. 佢地既 cs 溝通)
As to your inquiry, sadly we can’t ship to Hong Kong, but if you contact KS Distribution, they will be able to help you with a warranty replacement claim. The link can be found here on their website. We do apologize for the inconvenience on the matter.
佢唔幫我做轉介...好我自己來, 結果人地一頭問號....
As the UK distributor, I'm not sure why you were asked to contact us. Can you please send your conversation with Etymotic and your invoice? I need to check this arrangement with one of our company directors, we may also need to contact Etymotic about this to figure out a way of helping you.
最Update 17/12 有個Lucid 既 Supervisor email 我, 如下.....
I am sorry for the back and forth. I will be more than happy to assist you in the warranty exchange. Can I get your full address and I can get you a shipping label to send back your product and get a new one to you. I am sorry for the miscommunication. |