Start Linux with certification, RHCSA, RHCE, LPIC

Lots of people have asked similar questions again and again how they can start playing with Linux. Although I started "fooling" around with Linux many years ago, it was just mostly doing the basic things like installing the Linux, trying different distribution, but without any destination in mind or any systematic way how to approach Linux.

However, there is a major change after I determined to take those Linux certifications.
First, these certification can provide you a solid foundation, like basic knowledge such as permissions, runlevels, services.
Second, you'll have a target in mind knowing "what you need to know".

But most people can easily notice Linux is not as popular as many years ago, so it could be hard for seeking the info to get those certification. Wish the following info can help more people start playing around with Linux. The more people knowing Linux in HK, the more opportunities for everyone. The less people know about something, the less company would use it, end up we have much less opportunities than people in SG, China, India......

Redhat: performance based, ask you to perform a set of objectives within limited time
RHCSA - the entry level starting exam
exam objectives -
cost: HKD 1680

RHCE - middle level of Redhat certification
exam objectives -
cost: HKD 1680

How to apply:
I went through different email address from their website, first from then through their China Sales service and found the contact. I'll update further once they provide a public contact to quote.

LPIC - Multiple choices, not distribution based

How to take the exam

Apply through PEARSON VUE



I started with Gentoo 1.2 + AMD CPU... anyway... this post deserve sticky.


I wish more people of us having better knowledge of Linux or at least getting Linux more popular in HK. When I was looking for the exam info, like which one is better, which one worth the time, how to apply etc, taking these cert are far much more common in India and Mainland.

Regardless of the argument between Cert vs practical experience, a cert can really help you to broadan the "width" of your general knowledge. Like configuring the system for NTP, LDAP, DNS, I will never look at these things if not for preparing the exam. While the exam is not so hard asking you to configure a "robust bulletproof" server, they usually just ask you to configure the basic type of service. Like setup a anonymous-only FTP server, a caching only DNS. So in the process you build a good foundation knowledge knowing what it is, while not being too hard like those CCNA thing -_-

So I suggest more people to take a look of those certification, not just for getting a job, but also for your self knowledge. Furthermore, there are so many Indian and Mainland people having it, I really see no reason so little people in HK taking it.

I suppose you would like more of your colleagues in future come from HK as well instead of .......


Lots of people have asked similar questions again and again how they can start playing with Linux. A ...
ronstudio 發表於 2014-2-19 00:50

我做左今多年都未考,今年想考番,眼見 $M d Cert 已過曬期已唔想追,好同意你講法,考 Cert 可以比較有系統去學,可能人大左,唔會學剛剛出來做野考 Cert 為轉工/讀 Braindump 交貨,宜家去見工,你有 Cert 有得見,問多兩樣野已露曬底,無得騙,其實香港比 5 年前已多左好多工要識 Linux ,但真係唔夠人,我有個朋友係一間 新加坡 Telco 分司的香港分公司做 Data Centre Manager,要請個識 UNIX / Linux Admin 的 Engine,睇住 d Server 同熟 Shell Script,請左大半年都過唔到佢老闆要求,已出到 35K 到,最後佢公司係新加坡出 Ad,請左個係馬來飛來香港做,其實佢同我講個位 Max 可去到 45-50K,但見工 d 人一開始已出呢個價,但 Written Test 就肥顯,點請得落手。


我做左今多年都未考,今年想考番,眼見 $M d Cert 已過曬期已唔想追,好同意你講法,考 Cert 可以比較有 ...
mikeckm 發表於 2014-2-19 16:13

你講果家公司我都可能故過,人家應該係用緊 openview 同bind 所以至要識unix吧,telco 呢一行基本上走唔甩呢幾飯野的

至於為乜香港會咁,我響programmer 版呻唔少,個問題香港既it 本身己經無乜前途, 而響it dept 裏面永遠最惡果班人係programmer, admin 無論係system 定network 抑或security 都更加係厭惡性行業,永遠最早要番公司救獲亦最常ot 就係呢堆做backend admin support 既人。

之前做過一間銀行,叫做幾十家分行成千人,個it 都有百幾人,但全間公司,就只係得support 班人經常ot,番佢地一份工等於人地番兩份,當然仲係無薪的



你講果家公司我都可能故過,人家應該係用緊 openview 同bind 所以至要識unix吧,telco 呢一行基本上走唔 ...
凌天羽v 發表於 2014-2-21 02:52

我無意去貶低香港新入行做 Software Development d 人,但佢地真係用小小時間去了解下 Network / Intra / Cloud / Systam Admin d 野先得,唔係叫佢地學,係去了解個運作同理論,就好似我地 Admin 個班雖然唔係 DBA,都要了解下 Database,又有時留意下 Admin / Account 班姊姊仔入數今,到做野時會有幫助,宜家 d SA 的水準,真不敢恭維,用 Windows Remote Desktop 想 log 入部 Redhat Enterprise Server 連 Putty 都唔知係乜,真大鑊,成日話 d 機慢,部 Host 係今加 vCPU vRAM,問佢同 Vendor 講下要乜 Requirement,靠估,8G RAM 唔夠,今 16G Law,連 Loaning Test 都無做過,最後原來係 JSP d code 有問題,拖到個 Tomcat 慢到 high high,所以有時做我地  Sys Admin 真係吃力不討好。


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Those exam has no pre-requisite actually. Like myself, I apply the exam without taking any of its courses as well


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