To be honest, the power to say something sometimes is just a matter of politics. In my company, the team who responsible for Data Center/Network > Operations > Development.  There is also a difference between western boss and chinese boss as well.

Most HK/Chinese boss tend to agree everything, want to take everything. But western boss is more good at setup rules, define procedures asking others to follow, good at protecting the resources. But of course how authority you are in Technical is one of the factors as well.

So sometimes it's more depends how your boss manage your team, how to present the work as well.


LPI each cert seems like 5000- 6000 v expensive...


LPIC each exam just 1K something for each exam (I forgot the exact price), while each level takes 2 exams, so basically 2K something only.


尋日岩岩考左 LPI Level 1 , 我雖然用左幾年 linux
但係自問都仲係唔係好熟Linux, 我諗考埋 Level 2 會好D


I can share with you that last time I applied Lv201, trying to rush before the change of the exam syllabus, but end up fail~  


我諗住一陣去 sysm 報埋 LPI 2


Can also apply RHCSA and  RHCE as well la.
Redhat is going to introduce openstack into its exam, heard that going to change the exam at the end of this year. The RHCA exam will also have changes as well


Can also apply RHCSA and  RHCE as well la.
Redhat is going to introduce openstack into its exam, he ...
ronstudio 發表於 2014-5-13 14:43

    RHCSA 同 RHCE 同LPI 有咩分別
advance D ?


RHCSA and RHCE are Redhat/Centos specific, while LPIC are trying to cross-distribution, so the questions are more generic which can apply to different distribution.
(e.g. service vsftpd status  vs /etc/init.d/vsftpd status)

The exam for RHCE/RHCSA are performance based, which give you a set of tasks which you need to perform during the exam. While LPIC is only MC based.

So for LPIC, you could possibly pass the exam without hands on doing something. But in RHCSA/RHCE, you need to at least hands on building some basic server like samba, NFS.

Furthermore, after studying RHCSA/RHCE, I found the documentation from Redhat are indeed very good. While there is not much guide or books related to LPIC exam, which makes the exam even more difficult with its broad scope.


I would like know if I can still take RHCSA and RHCE exam in HK? Redhat website seems have no information about exam will hold in HK.
Did you get any feedback from before? Thanks.