Linux on USB flash drive - Windows bootloader?

本帖最後由 luke123 於 2019-6-20 14:21 編輯


I have a Dell Windows 10 notebook, and want to install Linux permanently on an attached USB flash drive.

Does any CHing know, when Grub is installed to the USB flash drive, whether this will affect or amend the Windows 10 bootloader in any way?

Of course, two USB flash drives are attached during installation. One is the Live Linux source, and the second one is the target where Linux will be installed.

As an aside, should the installation be carried out via UEFI or legacy?

Thanks in advance for any pointers!

I am not suggest to dual boot Linux and Windows in any form.  It will be very troublesome.

Or, you may consider to run Live Linux USB drive.  As far as I know, Ubuntu can be running as Live CD.

via HKEPC IR Pro 3.5.2 - Android(3.2.0)


本帖最後由 luke123 於 2019-6-20 14:40 編輯
I am not suggest to dual boot Linux and Windows in any form.  It will be very troublesome.
samiux 發表於 2019-6-20 13:54

Thanks. Yes, I've read about potential issues.

This article is dated, but does the method still works?

The key seems to be disabling the notebook's internal drive so that it is not seen during Linux installation.

Can this be done temporarily, eg, in a Dell notebook's UEFI/BIOS?

Thanks again.


我係部thinkpad a485用refind boot windows同linux,無大問題。


我係部thinkpad a485用refind boot windows同linux,無大問題。
t1066 發表於 2019-6-20 19:53


Will read up on rEFInd. I wonder if it works well with a USB flash drive as a 2nd boot device.


Thanks. Yes, I've read about potential issues.

This article is dated, but does the method still works?

luke123 發表於 2019-6-20 14:25

BIOS可以disable咗storage controller當然就係最簡單嘅做法

唔得嘅, 用UEFI啟動系統安裝亦不太複雜, 安裝linux入USB前先mount咗windows系統efi分區, backup(copy)咗入邊嘅EFI folder去windows分區(c:\..)做保險, 只需要識得手動係USB分割efi 同root partitions安裝就得

某些distro例如fedora, 安裝界面可以mount咗USB嘅efi分區到/boot/efi, 咁就完全唔會搞到到內置碟, 完成安裝後互不影響

最煩嘅case, 安裝界面唔可以將USB內嘅新建efi分區mount去/boot/efi, 安裝過程就會使用並更改Windows碟efi分區部分Folder......但可以安裝完成後再用安裝手指boot機, 做返修正,
- copy內置碟efi分區內容去USB的(空置)efi分區,
- 修改USB內/etc/fstab文件中 efi 一項的 UUID 為 USB efi分區的 UUID , (搵UUID指令: sudo blkid),
- 用安裝好嘅linux USB開機正確之後, 再將內置Windows碟內efi分區復原返早前backup嘅EFI folder, 就完成兩個互不影響嘅系統


回覆 5# luke123

我換咗windows個UEFI bootloader,而家每次boot機都會scan哂所有disks,包括removable,會list所有boootable嘅partitions。


BIOS可以disable咗storage controller當然就係最簡單嘅做法

唔得嘅, 用UEFI啟動系統安裝亦不太複雜, 安 ...
gdh 發表於 2019-6-21 13:16

Thanks, gdh and t1066 CHings. I'll study this weekend.


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回復 samiux


how shd i do if...

laptop s ssd is win10+veracrypt,

wanna dual boot with a usb3  ...
ketahnee 發表於 2019-6-21 15:34

Please re-read what I said.

via HKEPC IR Pro 3.5.2 - Android(3.2.0)