請有研究 Linux 或 BSD 的報上名來 和 所用的系統...
請 reply 同一個 list 方便大家... 謝謝
Name System
volospin Gentoo (攪唔掂其他 Distro) System Rescue CD
tutu Gentoo (想唔用 Gentoo)
tracker Gentoo (server - doc/wiki/howto 好detail, install and config 時比我對linux 有深入了解)
Ubuntu (desktop - 由install os 到 software 都唔使用console 同 cli, super friendly)
cal22cal Gentoo(Asus F3SC notebook 2GB Ram, VirtualBox running WinXp for MSN)
hdvd-rom debian(server 用,bt,http,compile environment)
Samiux Ubuntu (for web server, laptop and desktop)
扣肉 gentoo (server)
Gundamdriver Debian GNU/Linux (1. Server - HTTP/ BT/ SSH/ Samba)(2. Laptop)
sammycwfung Ubuntu@Desktop, Debian@Server
MacMonster CentOS (At work), Xandros (EeePC), Redhat 9 (Home Server)
geekydude CentOS and Debian multiboot, Sidux and Puppy on USB "finger" in keychain
vincetpw FreeBSD (下意識上覺得穩定性強一點 )
Bokyick Server FreeBSD Desktop openSUSE
waichun mac at home centos at server
Bomber Home Ubuntu desktop Office CentOS 5 x64 server
hkstock 工作上需要, 清一式Redhat (Redhat 7.1-9.0, Redhat Advance server 2.1, RHEL 3.0-5.0 ES/AS)
zero0w Ubuntu, CentOS, Debian Etch, SystemRescueCD
benpro Laptop用Ubuntu, 家用file server用Debian, 公司用產品全部用Fedora
patrickit 公司一定用Redhat, CentOS, 其他ubuntu都係屋企玩玩下.
razar gentoo Use as desktop at home. [openbox + slim] 選擇用 gentoo 的原因是它比較細食
不需要安裝太多 packages 很適合我現時部舊電腦用 而且 document/ wiki/ forums 好詳盡
portage update 速度又快 可以試新野
lcm9833 FreeBSD 穩定, 效率高, 更新容易
hoi FreeBSD, Debian on PowerPC (屋企server), Fedora/ CentOS (公司用)
royoni SuSE10.3 on IBM T42 for C++ on KDevelop, learning OpenMP+ MPI...
timchan0206 Ubuntu 第1次用linux就係用ubuntu
coach_mikelui Redhat 7.3, Fedora 6, FreeBSD 工作需要, 經常使用
amdhorus Fedora 5 (之前home server) Fedora 6 (now home server) Ubuntu 7.10 live (唔想用學校windows)
kwau fedora/centos
semson gentoo由2005.0用到2007.0,兩年幾,然后08年開始用Arch Linux,
chunginhk Fedora (home server)
伽利略 Ubuntu - Server and Desktop @ Home, Ubuntu - Server @ Work
tim874536 Centos 4.0 4.5, try gentoo & freeBSD
Quinton CentOS4.5(LAMP+samba+ftpd)
uganda_martyr Ubuntu 7.10 AMD64 for trading, downloading, word processing and water blowing
ClawHammer laptop running Lenny, mainly for word processing and computer learning,
may switch to gentoo or lfs later
無名忍者 前幾個星期安裝左Ubuntu 7.10, 另外有部舊pc 安openbsd (無咩時間玩...)
OS User
Gentoo (6) volospin, tutu, tracker, cal22cal, 扣肉, razar
Ubuntu (12) tracker, Samiux, sammycwfung, Bomber, zero0w, benpro, patrickit, timchan0206, amdhorus,
伽利略, uganda_martyr, 無名忍者
Debian (8) hdvd-rom, Gundamdriver, sammycwfung, geekydude, zero0w, benpro, hoi, ClawHammer
CentOS (10) MacMonster, geekydude, waichun, zero0w, patrickit, hoi, kwau, tim874536, Quinton
Redhat (4) MacMonster, hkstock, patrickit, coach_mikelui
Fedora (6) benpro, hoi, coach_mikelui, amdhorus, kwau, chunginhk
FreeBSD (5) vincetpw, Bokyick, lcm9833, hoi, coach_mikelui
OpenBSD (1) 無名忍者
SuSe (2) Bokyick, royoni
Arch (2) hdvd-rom, semson
[ 本帖最後由 volospin 於 2008-3-19 22:35 編輯 ] |