本帖最後由 pc1668 於 2021-11-3 15:29 編輯
就係 Orico
個 backup 都有3個月,一直都相安無事,係上個星期開始,試哂四隻8TB都係咁,
好彩只 ...
風十三 發表於 2021-11-3 15:06
I will stay away from Orico ... forever
Long time ago, I had an Orico 2-bay DAS. On day one of use, the power supply "爆炸", not to mention it crashed my HDD
"不過而家諗緊,部TR-004行唔行raid 5"
For backup purpose, I highly suggest using standard "Individual mode".
Regarding BeyondRAID, is it reliable? |