you can use credit card via 多多
thenext 發表於 2024-6-21 21:09

唔得 得呢2個簡。。 分期就要用大6卡
附件: 您需要登錄才可以下載或查看附件。沒有帳號?註冊


唔得 得呢2個簡。。 分期就要用大6卡
ivan1612 發表於 2024-6-21 21:42

after ticking 多多, press 去支付, then you can pay by HK credit cards


after ticking 多多, press 去支付, then you can pay by HK credit cards
thenext 發表於 2024-6-21 21:50

    好 得閒試下先...

個MON 色水掂唔掂??


本帖最後由 thenext 於 2024-6-22 13:51 編輯
好 得閒試下先...

個MON 色水掂唔掂??
ivan1612 發表於 2024-6-21 23:16

幾好,冇認真比較,同我另一部差唔多- 都靚


幾好,冇認真比較,同我另一部差唔多- 都靚
thenext 發表於 2024-6-22 13:49

    岩岩落左單 希望唔好有事...


我今日都想買部,但係問過個客服,佢話重裝其他版本window個office 就會失效,但係我睇佢個office activate步驟,又係跟microsoft account,有冇師兄知係咪其實重裝都係用得返?


我今日都想買部,但係問過個客服,佢話重裝其他版本window個office 就會失效,但係我睇佢個office activate ...
DimCook 發表於 2024-6-22 20:44

I will deal with the Office tomorrow.  Will let you know


I will deal with the Office tomorrow.  Will let you know
thenext 發表於 2024-6-22 21:04

thx a lot bro


The below link is the instruction given by the Customer Services of pdd's thinkpad store for the installation of free Office Home and Student 2021 - ... 9-a5b8-f65ac7885b6a

Actually, it is the same as what we were doing in the past years - Install windows, login Microsoft Account and start Office so the free Office is registered under your Microsoft account.  After re-installing Windows, go to your Microsoft Account and you will find your Office 2021 there.


Also during the installation of Office Home & Student 2021, it is shown as an option under Microsoft 365 now - I found it a bit confused.