If you don't know how many you want, then you don't need any
thenext 發表於 2024-7-2 08:39 PM

Yes, that is what I am planning to do; thanks for writing me back.


兩位師兄, 請問你哋 reinstall Windows 之前, 有無用Windows Media Creation tool 先做 backup? 同埋需 ...
andy323 發表於 2024-7-1 11:52

用WIFI 要預先DL 定 DRIVER  , keyboard 果D唔洗


用WIFI 要預先DL 定 DRIVER  , keyboard 果D唔洗
ivan1612 發表於 2024-7-3 12:22 AM

收到, thanks.




過程都很順利,大約花了30分鐘. ...
andy323 發表於 2024-7-5 18:00

I also went to HK lenovo support to let it auto detect it and download whatever drivers required.

But can't install bios update.


本帖最後由 andy323 於 2024-7-5 20:18 編輯
I also went to HK lenovo support to let it auto detect it and download whatever drivers required.
thenext 發表於 2024-7-5 07:50 PM

What issues do you have?  Only the bios?


What issues do you have?  Only the bios?
andy323 發表於 2024-7-5 20:17

After installing the bios update, the support webpage would say it needed the bios update time and again


I did not do the bios update.  People say that it is not necessary to do so.


過程都很順利,大約花了30分鐘. ...
andy323 發表於 2024-7-5 18:00

    師兄, 可以講解一下嗎?


師兄, 可以講解一下嗎?
saviolaele 發表於 2024-7-6 10:49 PM

基本上, 跟着以下 barryw 師兄所寫嘅步骤就可以:

1. 先開定一個 Microsoft Account
2. 新電腦開箱, 入 Windows, Check 下有沒有硬件問題.  如正常, Activate Windows 10
3. 在 Windows 內開 Word, 好似什麼檔案-帳戶, Activate Office 2019. 它要你輸入 Microsoft Account, 輸入你之前開了的 Microsoft Account.
4. 去 account.microsoft.com, check 一下你是否已經有了 Microsoft Office Home and Student 2019 (見圖1)
5. Prepare Windows 10 USB Drive (選繁體, 見圖2)
6. 插 USB drive, 開機 boot USB drive (開機時按 F12)
7. 裝 Windows 10 時, 選 Windows 10 Home
8. 問 Windows 10 Key 時, 選 Skip (裝完會自動 Activate, 放心)
9. 裝完後, 會見到 Windows 已 Activated (見圖3)
10. 在 Microsoft Store, 下載 lenovo vantage 和 Lenovo utility.  在 Lenovo vantage 選自動更新所有 drivers, 更新完 reboot
11. 在 Microsoft Store, 下載你已 owned 的 Office 2019 (Word, Excel, Powerpoint), 它會自動activated (見圖4)
https://www.hkepc.com/forum/view ... 9427&highlight=

可能Lenovo 已經將新機 開機 嘅 procedure 改咗, 所以我一開機已經要我登入 Microsoft account, 除此以外, 我就跟著以上步骤做.  還有一點就係, 我冇裝 Lenovo Vantage, 因爲我覺得冇需要,而且所有Driver已經安裝好.