本帖最後由 pc1668 於 2024-7-17 17:28 編輯
部ThinkPad S5 用咗幾年, 舊電打晒柴
想換電池, 請問有冇推介買電(淘都可以)? ...
wai0731 發表於 2024-7-17 00:38
類似經歷, 不過我用 DELL, 有日突然息機, 發覺電池0% 差唔起. 就咁逃佬搵到一間聲稱 DELL XX專賣店, 人仔$2XX, 姑且買來試下, 等到貨......
honming 發表於 2024-7-17 16:53
Found this notebook battery online store. As their product is not that expensive, it might be a better alternative than "淘". The only concern is the quality of the batteries.
N.B.: I've never ordered any battery from this online store. |